LIFE for Minuartia

LIFE for Minuartia

LIFE for Minuartia saved the Minuartia smejkalii flowering plant from extinction in two Czech Natura 2000 sites. To help the flower thrive, the team introduced regular mowing and grazing. They also removed plant overgrowth and thinned the surrounding forest. And they...



As the Mediterranean Sea is the world’s most overfished sea, it also has the highest sea turtle by-catch rate. TARTALIFE reduced the numbers of sea turtles being caught up in fishing nets along 15 Italian coastal areas. They encouraged 1 290 local fishermen to use...

Lille Vildmose

Lille Vildmose

Around 85% of the EU’s peatland habitats are threatened. Despite their high environmental, economic and social importance, as well as their potential to curb climate change, peatland degradation continues. To counter this decline, LIFE Lille Vildmose worked to restore...



Each year, millions of birds across the world are killed when they collide with or are electrocuted by power lines.  In the Slovak Republic, the LIFE ENERGY team helped many birds avoid such collisions. They identified the riskiest areas, before installing 8 600...



In Flanders, Belgium, open space in peri-urban areas is often converted into housing, commercial buildings, and infrastructure like roads, railways and airports. This open space loss amounts to around seven hectares per day, an area thirteen times bigger than a...



Around 80% of the global population of the Eleonora’s falcon breeds in Greece. A lack of  suitable breeding sites makes this species extremely vulnerable, especially in the face of climate change. Other threats the birds endure are illegal hunting, tourism and...