LIFE-DIADEME proved the energy-saving benefits of its adaptive street lighting system in Rome, Piacenza and Rimini. They installed 1 000 devices to collect data on luminance, road traffic, pollutants, noise levels and weather conditions. As it uses less electricity...


LIFE VinEcoS boosted biodiversity on vineyards in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, making them more climate resilient. The team added wild seed mixtures to steep slopes, reducing soil erosion and water stress. Results show that the number of plant species increased...
LIFE RE-Vultures

LIFE RE-Vultures

LIFE RE-Vultures protected the griffon and black vultures in Bulgaria and north-eastern Greece. The team tagged and monitored the birds to establish migration routes and reasons for dying. They also set up a geographic information system and developed maps showing the...
LIFE Roseate Tern

LIFE Roseate Tern

LIFE Roseate Tern improved breeding conditions for Europe’s rarest breeding seabird at core colonies in Ireland and the United Kingdom. The team enhanced nesting habitat by clearing vegetation and building terraces, nest boxes and floating rafts. They also protected...


LIFE-KEDROS improved the conservation status and resilience of cedar forests at risk from climate change in a Cyprus Natura 2000 site. The team undertook silvicultural treatments for the first time and reduced competition between mature and young cedar trees. They...